The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Vigil
Genesis 1:1—2:3 (The Creation)
Genesis 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13 (The Flood)
Genesis 22:1–18 (The Testing of Abraham)
Exodus 14:10—15:1 (Israel’s Deliverance at the Red Sea)
Canticle: Song of Moses and Israel (LSB 925)
Isaiah 55:1–11 (Salvation Offered Freely to All)
Ezekiel 36:24–28 (A New Heart and a New Spirit)
Ezekiel 37:1–14 (The Valley of Dry Bones)
Jonah 3:1–10 (Jonah Preaches to Nineveh)
Daniel 3:1–30 (The Fiery Furnace)
Canticle: All You Works of the Lord (LSB 931)
Romans 6:1–11 (Remembrance and Affirmation of Holy Baptism)
Hymn of Praise: Gloria in Excelsis Deo (LSB 154; 170; or 187)
Mark 16:1–8
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Come, you faithful, raise the strain (LSB 487)
Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free (LSB 473)
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing (LSB 633)
Processional Out
All the earth with joy is sounding (LSB 462)
Alternative Hymns
Christ is arisen (LSB 459)
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
He is arisen! Glorious Word (LSB 488)
Jesus lives! The vict’ry’s won (LSB 490)
Now all the vault of heav’n resounds (LSB 465)
The day of resurrection (LSB 478)
The strife is o’er, the battle done (LSB 464)
With high delight let us unite (LSB 483)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Sunrise
Isaiah 25:6–9 (or Exodus 14:10—15:1)
1 Corinthians 15:1–11 (or 1 Corinthians 15:12–25)
John 20:1–18
Divine Service, Setting Five (LSB 213–218)
Entrance Hymn
Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia (LSB 463)
Kyrie Hymn
Kyrie! God, Father in heav’n above (LSB 942)
Gloria Hymn
All glory be to God on high (LSB 947)
Gradual Hymn
He is arisen! Glorious Word (LSB 488)
Hymn of the Day
Awake, my heart, with gladness (LSB 467)
Creedal Hymn
We all believe in one true God (LSB 954)
Offertory Hymn
The day of resurrection (LSB 478)
Sanctus Hymn
Isaiah, mighty seer in days of old (LSB 960)
Agnus Dei
O Christ, Thou Lamb of God (LSB 198)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Come, you faithful, raise the strain (LSB 487)
All the earth with joy is sounding (LSB 462)
I am content! My Jesus ever lives (LSB 468)
This joyful Eastertide (LSB 482)
Post-Communion Hymn
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, victorious (LSB 548)
Processional Out
The strife is o’er, the battle done (LSB 464)
Alternative Hymns
Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heaven (LSB 477)
Alleluia! Jesus is risen (LSB 474)
Christ is arisen (LSB 459)
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
Good Christian friends, rejoice and sing (LSB 475)
Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer (LSB 918)
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus (LSB 531)
I know that my Redeemer lives (LSB 461)
If Christ had not been raised from death (LSB 486)
In the shattered bliss of Eden (LSB 572)
Jesus Christ is ris’n today (LSB 457)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB 741)
Jesus lives! The vict’ry’s won (LSB 490)
Now all the vault of heav’n resounds (LSB 465)
O day of rest and gladness (LSB 906)
O love, how deep, how broad, how high (LSB 544)
Scatter the darkness, break the gloom (LSB 481)
The tree of life with ev’ry good (LSB 561)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
With high delight let us unite (LSB 483)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Day
Job 19:23–27
1 Corinthians 5:6–8 (or 1 Corinthians 15:51–57)
Mark 16:1–8
Processional Hymn
Hail thee, festival day (LSB 489)
Christians, to the Paschal Victim (LSB 460)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing (LSB 633)
Awake, my heart, with gladness (LSB 467)
I know that my Redeemer lives (LSB 461)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB 741)
Christ has arisen, Alleluia (LSB 466)
Processional Out
Jesus Christ is ris’n today (LSB 457)
Alternative Hymns
Christ is arisen (LSB 459)
Christ, the Life of all the living (LSB 420)
Christ the Lord is ris’n today (LSB 469)
Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia (LSB 463)
Good Christian friends, rejoice and sing (LSB 475)
He is arisen! Glorious Word (LSB 488)
I am content! My Jesus ever lives (LSB 468)
If Christ had not been raised from death (LSB 486)
Jesus lives! The vict’ry’s won (LSB 490)
Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendor (LSB 534)
Make songs of joy to Christ, our head (LSB 484)
Now all the vault of heav’n resounds (LSB 465)
Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free (LSB 473)
Scatter the darkness, break the gloom (LSB 481)
Sing praise to God, the highest good (LSB 819)
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, victorious (LSB 548)
The day of resurrection (LSB 478)
The strife is o’er, the battle done (LSB 464)
Thee we adore, O hidden Savior (LSB 640)
This joyful Eastertide (LSB 482)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Evening / Easter Monday
Exodus 15:1–18
Acts 10:34–43
Luke 24:13–35
Processional Hymn
Come, you faithful, raise the strain (LSB 487)
Christians, to the Paschal Victim (LSB 460)
Hymn of the Day
Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia (LSB 463)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Who are you who walk in sorrow (LSB 476)
Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free (LSB 473)
The day of resurrection (LSB 478)
Processional Out
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)
Alternative Hymns
Abide, O dearest Jesus (LSB 919)
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (LSB 878)
All people that on earth do dwell (LSB 791)
All the earth with joy is sounding (LSB 462)
Alleluia! Jesus is risen (LSB 474)
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
Christ, mighty Savior, Light of all creation (LSB 881)
Good Christian friends, rejoice and sing (LSB 475)
Now rest beneath night’s shadow (LSB 880)
O Christ, who art the Light and Day (LSB 882)
O love, how deep, how broad, how high (LSB 544)
Sing with all the saints in glory (LSB 671)
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, victorious (LSB 548)
The strife is o’er, the battle done (LSB 464)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Tuesday
Daniel 3:8–28
Acts 13:26–33
Luke 24:36–48 (49)
Processional Hymn
Awake, my heart, with gladness (LSB 467)
Christians, to the Paschal Victim (LSB 460)
Hymn of the Day
Jesus lives! The vict’ry’s won (LSB 490)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
I am content! My Jesus ever lives (LSB 468)
All you works of God, bless the Lord (LSB 930)
Processional Out
With high delight let us unite (LSB 483)
Alternative Hymns
All praise to Thee, for Thou, O King divine (LSB 815)
All who believe and are baptized (LSB 601)
Baptismal waters cover me (LSB 616)
Good Christian friends, rejoice and sing (LSB 475)
Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord (LSB 777)
Jesus, grant that balm and healing (LSB 421)
Now all the vault of heav’n resounds (LSB 465)
The day of resurrection (LSB 478)
The strife is o’er, the battle done (LSB 464)
This joyful Eastertide (LSB 482)
We are called to stand together (LSB 828)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Wednesday
Acts 3:13–15, 17–19 (or Acts 3:1–10)
Colossians 3:1–7 (or 1 Corinthians 11:23–26)
John 21:1–14
Processional Hymn
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
Christians, to the Paschal Victim (LSB 460)
Hymn of the Day
Long before the world is waking (LSB 485)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Now, my tongue, the myst’ry telling (LSB 630)
All the earth with joy is sounding (LSB 462)
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing (LSB 633)
Processional Out
The strife is o’er, the battle done (LSB 464)
Alternative Hymns
Awake, my heart, with gladness (LSB 467)
Feed Thy children, God most holy (LSB 774)
In Thee is gladness (LSB 818)
Jesus Christ, my sure defense (LSB 741)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (LSB 621)
Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide (LSB 585)
O Holy Spirit, grant us grace (LSB 693)
Once in the blest baptismal waters (LSB 598)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
Wide open stand the gates (LSB 639)
With high delight let us unite (LSB 483)
Your table I approach (LSB 628)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Thursday
Psalm 8:1–8 (antiphon: v. 9)
Acts 3:11–26
John 21:15–19
Hymn of the Day
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing (LSB 633)
Alternative Hymns
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
Feed Thy children, God most holy (LSB 774)
In Thee is gladness (LSB 818)
Jesus, grant that balm and healing (LSB 421)
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me (LSB 683)
Let us ever walk with Jesus (LSB 685)
Shepherd of tender youth (LSB 864)
Since our great High Priest, Christ Jesus (LSB 529)
Son of God, eternal Savior (LSB 842)
The gifts Christ freely gives (LSB 602)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Friday
Psalm 118:22–29 (antiphon: vv. 1–2)
Acts 4:1–12
Matthew 28:1–15
Hymn of the Day
Awake, my heart, with gladness (LSB 467)
Alternative Hymns
All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name (LSB 549)
All the earth with joy is sounding (LSB 462)
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing (LSB 633)
Christ has arisen, Alleluia (LSB 466)
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus (LSB 531)
Jesus Christ is ris’n today (LSB 457)
Now all the vault of heav’n resounds (LSB 465)
This joyful Eastertide (LSB 482)
With high delight let us unite (LSB 483)
The Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Saturday
Psalm 118:14–21 (antiphon: vv. 1, 5)
Acts 4:13–21
Mark 16:9–18
Hymn of the Day
Thanks to Thee, O Christ, victorious (LSB 548)
Alternative Hymns
All Christians who have been baptized (LSB 596)
All who believe and are baptized (LSB 601)
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands (LSB 458)
May God bestow on us His grace (LSB 823)
O God, O Lord of heaven and earth (LSB 834)
Once in the blest baptismal waters (LSB 598)
Rise, shine, you people (LSB 825)
We are called to stand together (LSB 828)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)
With high delight let us unite (LSB 483)
Second Sunday of Easter (Quasimodo Geniti)
Ezekiel 37:1–14
1 John 5:4–10
John 20:19–31
Processional Hymn
All Christians who have been baptized (LSB 596)
Christians, to the Paschal Victim (LSB 460)
Hymn of the Day / Catechetical Hymn of the Week
O sons and daughters of the King (LSB 470)
Offertory Hymn
Water, blood, and Spirit crying (LSB 597)
Hymns for the Distribution of the Holy Communion
Baptismal waters cover me (LSB 616)
These things did Thomas count as real (LSB 472)
Jesus, grant that balm and healing (LSB 421)
Awake, my heart, with gladness (LSB 467)
Processional Out
Come, you faithful, raise the strain (LSB 487)
Alternative Hymns
Alleluia! Jesus is risen (LSB 474)
“As surely as I live,” God said (LSB 614)
Christ is arisen (LSB 459)
Christ is made the sure foundation (LSB 909)
Christ sits at God’s right hand (LSB 564)
Grant peace, we pray, in mercy, Lord (LSB 777)
I am content! My Jesus ever lives (LSB 468)
Jesus lives! The vict’ry’s won (LSB 490)
Jesus, priceless treasure (LSB 743)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (LSB 336)
Lord Jesus Christ, the Church’s head (LSB 647)
Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word (LSB 655)
O God, O Lord of heaven and earth (LSB 834)
O Lord, we praise Thee (LSB 617)
Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free (LSB 473)
Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise (LSB 917)
The gifts Christ freely gives (LSB 602)
Thee we adore, O hidden Savior (LSB 640)
This joyful Eastertide (LSB 482)
We know that Christ is raised (LSB 603)